Wedding Video

of Ursula and Jonathan who got married in St. Ronan’s Church in Taughmaconnell. What a beautiful summer day for a Wedding it was, we had such fantastic weather all day long. With luscious flower arrangements & bouquets from Clare Lawless and so many lovely details that make a Wedding extra special. For the photoshoot we went to a privately owned section of Lough Ree where a boat was organised especially for the bride and groom.

After the photoshoot at the lake we went to the Sheraton Athlone Hotel where the staff was awaiting the bridal party and greeted them in style with a champagne reception. We had enough time for a quick “hello” to friends & family and then continued the photoshoot in the absolutely fabulous Presidential Split Level Suite with its breathtaking views overlooking Athlone and the Shannon.

Gaffey Productions Wedding Video Ursula & Jonathan


Ursula and Jonathan, we enjoyed being a part of your Wedding Day and are wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.

Marriage is more than a walk down the aisle,

it’s a promise that’s shared,

it’s an intimate smile,

it’s a personal bond that you look on with pride,

and the knowledge that someone will be by your side.

It’s a vow of commitment that’s blessed from above,

it’s a hope and a dream for a lifetime of love.