We met Michelle from Funky Crayons quite a while back through social media. She is, as we are, very active on twitter which is a great platform for Irish Businesses to interact and get to know each other. Michelle started making her own, non-toxic crayons in 2013. Since then she is almost solely marketing her business through social media and has grown very fast. In order to grow even further and offer more bespoke and funky crayons, she needed funding for an office and also new wax-melters etc.

The new way of getting funding is called “crowdfunding” and this is where we came in. Michelle contacted us to get a Video made for her crowdfunding campaign, to explain viewers what she does, how Funky Crayons started and what her goals are. Michelle also invented a new product called WicKids, a birthday candle that works as a crayon, long after the candle has been blown out and taken off the cake. A great all-round non-toxic solution for the environment and children alike.

When Michelle contacted us, telling us about her plans, we were from the very beginning on the same wavelength. We knew exactly what Michelle wanted, what crowdfunding is and what it means especially for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs and there was not much explanation needed.

From filming on-site and also in our studio, the Video is highlighting a different aspect of what we here at Gaffey Productions can do for you.

Unfortunately the crowdfunding campaign was no success as you need to raise the full amount for your project. It is all or nothing – even if you are only €1 short of the pledged sum you need to grow your SME (Small & Medium Enterprise).

We certainly will be getting a WicKids candle for our children’s birthday parties. And in regards to our crayon stock… well, there are also robots, dinos, lego, butterflies, kittens…….

If you are looking for amazing, quirky – just funky crayons you can contact Michelle here:


E-mail: funkycrayonsireland@gmail.com

facebook: Funky Crayons

Twitter: @funkycrayonlady

Pinterest: Funky Crayons

.. and also on Vine, Instagram and YouTube

Hi guys,

Hooray! First time I didn't have to explain entire concept from start to finish! Thank you for all your help. So excited to make this happen. I absolutely love the footage of the kids. I felt so relieved with how well Saturday went! So thank you for that. I feel very close to the finish line now. Very excited about this!!

Thanks so much for all your patience & hard work on the Video guys. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!


Funky Crayons filmed by Gaffey Productions